A Fabulous Fourth

We’ve been slacking on posting about our 4th of July fun.  My dad had been prompting the whole family to “think about the 4th of July” for several weeks in advance.  Which means he wants to throw a party.  Or rather, he wants someone else to throw a party and that is his way of hinting at it.  That Dad, he’s such a character!  I think he was excited about our first holiday with his new granddaughter, who pretty much stole the show.

A nice crowd turned out at my parents’ house, including me and Steve; my brother; my sister, her husband (the other Steve), and their baby; the other Steve’s parents; one of my aunts, and two of my cousins and their significant others.  Our family is all about casual, it’s just the way we roll, but my mom spruced things up with some festive patriotic napkins draped on the table, some dressed up daisies, and some sweet red strawberries that blended right in with the holiday color scheme. 


And to keep things simple and casual, we did a basic BBQ, complete with burgers, dogs, and all the fixings.  The sides and snacks were supplied potluck-style by the guests.  We had no shortage of choices, including a green salad chock full of goodies like avocado and corn, three bean salad, two different types of guacamole with chips, and our family’s favorite potato salad (which I probably will rarely ever make given Steve’s distaste for potatoes!  sigh!).  There were plenty of frosty beverages in an ice-filled cooler on the patio and free flowing margaritas.  And we capped the whole thing off with Neapolitan ice cream and home-made chocolate chip cookies.

7-04-09-buffet tater-salad

Aside from coaxing my sister’s five-week-old daughter to roll over (yes, she does it, she is a prodigy!), my sister’s dog Maggie and my cousin’s dog Fender provided the entertainment.  Maggie is a yellow lab with tons of energy, and Fender is a Welsh Corgi with a bit of a round belly.  The two dogs had never met before and they got a bit rambunctious and eventually had to be separated.  I didn’t manage to get any pictures of it because, well, I was preoccupied with the baby.  In fact, I barely got any pictures at all.  But here’s is Maggie looking forlorn and wondering why Fender gets to continue playing outside while she is relegated to the kitchen. 


Hope your holiday weekend was great too!

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