Dirty Diaper Daze

Warning: this post is about some of the unpleasant things that come out of babies’ little bottoms, so if you have a weak stomach, you might want to skip it.

Every once in a while, Rebecca produces some waste that really makes me regret the decision to cloth diaper.  Yesterday was one of those days.

A bit of background: the poor thing is going through some digestive changes.  She has some sensitivities that cause her to have a lot of gas and spitting up, so she experiences some discomfort in that regard fairly often.  Thank God for gas drops, recommended by her doctor as well as one of Steve’s co-workers!  On top of that, her digestive system has developed enough that her food is staying in her intestines longer.  This is a good thing, because it means she is able to absorb more nutrients.  It also means she won’t be pooping in every single diaper, but maybe once a day or even less.  So she is getting used to a change in the consistency of her poop.  Rather than just squirts of liquid, it’s got some substance to it.

Yesterday afternoon, she was fussy.  I knew she hadn’t pooped in a while, two days, in fact, but I kept seeing her “poop face” and nothing but little farts resulted.  I became concerned that she was constipated, perhaps as a result of the gas drops we have been giving her.  I planned to put her down for a nap, then call her doctor.  Suddenly, she started to scream.  I thought she was probably tired so I’d change her and continue with my plan to put her down to nap.

When I opened her diaper, I saw the most massive amount of poop this tiny little girl has ever produced.  It completely filled her prefold, leaked all around and into the diaper wrap, and squished out onto her clothes.  No wonder the girl was crying!  All afternoon she’d been trying to poop, and it finally comes out in one explosive rush.

I got her all cleaned up and put her in her crib while I rinsed the diaper, which took for-ev-er.  I am not a fan of rinsing poopy diapers in general, but when that much poop is involved, it is really the pits.  I had to employ the diaper sprayer and dunk and flush multiple times to get the stuff rinsed out.  By the time I was done, I was beat.  And I had poop on my clothes.  She was still crying too.  I decided that we would nap together.  She conked out quick and slept for OVER FOUR HOURS.  She NEVER naps even close to that long.  So I guess that big poop really did tire her out.

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