What’s in a blog?

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned to my mom that I need to find some new blogs to read.  I usually read a little online in the morning while I’m eating breakfast.  A (non-news) substitute for the morning paper I suppose.  Most of my friends with blogs do not post daily (nor do I, obviously), and a couple of the good ones I’ve been reading for years have become less frequent posters.  The few I read that seem to have consistent new posts I’m ready to move on from.  Let’s just say it’s not my cup of tea when grown-ups frequently describe things as “adorbs.” 

So back to my mom, and my lament that there are mornings when I have nothing worthwhile to read on the queue.  She says to me, “Maybe you should start your own blog.”  What a great idea!  Except . . . I already have one.  Nobody reads it.  Not even my mom

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One Reply to “What’s in a blog?”

  1. Here’s my daily blog diet.

    prop8trialtracker.com (.org? .net? I don’t remember.)
    sfgate.com (not really a blog)
    onkneesforjesus.blogspost.com (because I’m a masochist)
    buzzfeed.com (if I’m still bored after all that)

    and yes, I’m doing all this while simultaneously working at peak productivity.

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