Rant of the Moment

I say “Rant of the Moment” rather than “Rant of the Day” or even “Rant of the Hour” because it seems I have something to complain about pretty constantly.  Usually it’s about stupid people, so it’s not surprise that this rant is about stupid people.  Or maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt and say normal people who are acting stupid in a momentary lapse of judgment.

To set things up a bit, I am just finishing a semester of school where probably 90% of my work has been group work.  Now, all the instructors say they do so many group projects because in the “real world” we will always be working in groups.  I think it’s because they don’t want to grade as much, but that’s just me.  In the “real world” when you are working in groups, your group members sit down the hall from you from 9 to 5 (or whatever your office hours happen to be), are typically there to do the group work all day long, and get fired if they don’t do their jobs and do them well.  So to say they are trying to mimic the “real world” doesn’t really work for me.  But I digress.  The bottom line is, my last group projects were due yesterday and I was glad — ecstatic, really — to be done with these groups. 

Imagine my dismay today to receive yet another email (I have literally hundreds in my inbox) from one of my group members.  (Ug, I thought I was done with this and would finally get some peace!)

“Our final is on Monday at 9:40?  I vaguely remember hearing the instructor saying it was earlier.”

Considering the final exam time is printed on the instructor’s course schedule and in the catalogue of classes, I thought this was a stupid question that she needn’t have bothered me with.  But, my Grandma Heaton used to say, “you can always be civil,” so I responded politely with a flip remark about how the instructor does not have her act together and can’t be trusted to tell us the correct time, but yes, it is at 9:40.  I thought that would be the end of it, but shortly thereafter, she responded.

“I’m going to email the instructor to ask.”

Really?!?  I expressed no uncertainly whatsoever about time, suggesting to me that she would have asked the instructor regardless of what I answered.  Which begs the question, why did she bother to ask in the first place?  I threw up my hands, but again figured that was the end of it.  Not so.  At this point, our third team member, also copied on these emails, chimed in.

hmmm . . . . I thought it was Monday at 9:40?”

Let me remind you that this is published in two places and I had just confirmed it to be my understanding as well.  I was at the end of my rope a week ago and this was just more than I could take.

“yeah, that’s what I just said.  if anyone is still confused, I suggest checking in the schedule of classes.  over and out.”

Perhaps a bit too harsh and not well thought out.  But I don’t think totally undeserved.  Is it so hard to just open up the schedule and check, rather than go back and forth over email like this?  We’re not finished yet, though.  Team member number one has to have the last word.

“Ladies, were (sic) done . . . . . . . . . . . . it’s just Monday and it’s open book.”

. . . followed by a link to some stress relief breathing exercises.  Now, I don’t dispute that I could probably benefit from some sort of stress relief program.  However, in this case, I think my stress would be significantly relieved by not having to deal with these people any more.  We’re all adults here.  Is it really too much to ask that we take some personal responsibility for our own schedules rather than expecting others to keep track of it for us?  Apparently so.  I will be glad when this is over — for real — on Monday.  I’m sure I will shortly be blessed with another group of annoying, stupid people to deal with in some other arena, but I will savor my time to myself in the meantime.

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