Seen and Heard: It’s Not Lupus

I walk past a bus kiosk every day on my way to work (several actually, but I’m talking about one in particular here) that currently has an ad picturing a woman’s face that says something along the lines of “Swelling.  Stiffness.  Could it be lupus?  I want answers.”  Yesterday, someone had stuck a picture of Hugh Laurie, a.k.a. Gregory House, M.D., with the caption “It’s not lupus” to the kiosk. 

I think anyone that has seen House more than once would find this amusing because there are a few things that happen on pretty much every single episode, without fail:

  1. Someone with a mystery illness gets foisted on House and his team (Can’t really complain here.  The main premise of the show is House is an expert in difficult diagnoses).
  2. The sick person vomits blood, has a seizure, or both, depending on what season of the show it is.
  3. One or more doctors on the team break into the patient’s home to check for possible toxins.  If it’s Cameron and Chase, they have sex in the patient’s home.
  4. House wants to do some crazy dangerous treatment, but the hospital administrator says no.  He gives her a hard time about it, usually alluding to a personal problem, and she gives in.  The treatment makes the patient worse.
  5. Someone suggests the patient might have lupus and House says, “It’s not lupus.”

I had every intention of snapping a photo today, but unfortunately, it has been removed.

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