House Tour Part IV: The Guest Room

Aside from the peek at the WC in the master bathroom, we haven’t shown you anything upstairs and it’s time to change that.  So we’ll show you where you would stay if you came for an overnight visit.  These three shots give a good sense of what the room looks like from left to right as you step in the door.

guestroom2 guestroom1 guestroom3

We have no real plans for this room yet.   The only use it’s seen is me taking a catnap one afternoon when the master bedroom was prohibitively hot due to the sun beating down on that side of the house.  It’s not a five star accommodation (yet), but it is certainly workable.  In fact, it’s probably one of the least offensive pastel colors in the house, so we are not touching the walls anytime soon.  I actually did give the room a minor tweak while I was taking these pictures.  Can you spot the difference? 


Yup, all I did was remove a curtain panel.  I think the lines are more simple and clean this way.  We’ll probably do something with the small window curtains too, but that would involve a sewing machine we don’t own yet, so I’m sure it will be a while.

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