Product Review: Propel Mind

Ok, I admit, this post has nothing to do with our home, DIY stuff, being married, or really anything I set out to write about when I started this blog.  However, on my way off BART this morning, I was handed a free sample of Propel Mind, a “nutrient enhanced water beverage,” and I feel compelled to comment on it.  I am a big fan of Propel Fitness Water (although I don’t drink it often because I am also a fan of regular water, which is free) so I was pretty excited to try this out. 

I took a big swig when I got to my desk and boy was I sorry I opted against a tentative sip.  Something about the consistency was unappealing.  It is hard to describe, but I imagine it must be something like what Jell-O would feel like if you were to drink it after you dissolve the mix in water but before it sets up.  This might not have been so off-putting on its own, but this is supposed to be “water,” which means it also has to be low calorie (i.e. contains artificial sweeteners).  In general I have no problem with artificial sweeteners — Diet Coke is by far my favorite beverage; this had a really apparent artificially sweet flavor and aftertaste, though.  Not at all subtle and not what I would expect from a flavored “water.” 

My opinion: if you are thirsty, head for the tap.  I did not find this drink to be refreshing or tasty, and won’t be finishing my free bottle. 

Update: There were people handing out free Propel Mind outside the station again today (5/6). I did not take a bottle.

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