Ring of Fire

Yesterday, from my office window, I saw a huge plume of smoke billowing from behind the high-rise across the street.  Eager for a break from the grind, I jumped up from my desk and walked down the hall to see if I could get a better view.  Sure enough, our office turned out to be prime viewing real estate.  We could see smoke, fire trucks and ladders, fire fighters on the roofs, actual flames, and eventually functioning fire hoses.  So that was a bit of excitement in an otherwise typical day at the office. 

Digression:  Someone forwarded me a short online breaking news story on the incident as it was happening.  Not a whole lot of interesting information, two alarm fire, the fire department is responding, no further comments given, blah blah blah.   But here’s the kicker, “a man who answered the phone at Tadich Grill confirmed that the building was on fire.”  Excuse me?  The building is on fire and this guy is still inside answering the phones?

So, the real point of this post: we don’t really have functioning smoke detectors in our house right now.  Of course, watching someone else’s property burst into flames made me think of it.  If I recall correctly, the smoke detectors were disabled when we moved in, and we found out why when we enabled them and tried to cook dinner.  We didn’t even burn anything, but those alarms started wailing, and they are not easy to turn off.  Steve has mentioned replacing them on a couple of occasions.  Needless to say, this is now going to the top of our to do list.

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