Just Desserts

We have a cherry tree in our backyard.  Last spring/summer, it did a whole lot of nothing.  My parents had a cherry tree in their back yard when I was growing up, and it also never produced fruit, allegedly because it was the only cherry tree around an you need a second one for pollinating.  I figured ours had the same problem and it would just stand there and look pretty.

Needless to say, we were a little surprised when we saw little green cherries sprouting out all over it several weeks ago.  I still wasn’t convinced that they would ripen.  I thought maybe they’d be like the cucumbers we tried to grow last year, which shriveled up after not being pollinated.  But the cherries actually ripened!

We picked a bunch yesterday and ate them for dessert.  We think they are probably Royal Anne cherries, because they still have some yellow on the outside, even though they are ripe, and the flesh on the inside is also still yellow.  Rainier has a similar look as well.

Steve tells me that Royal Anne are the variety most often used to make maraschino cherries (confirmed by Wikipedia). Further research confirms that sweet cherries do need a second pollinator tree, while sour cherries do not. This should also be a pretty easy tree to maintain, as sweet cherry trees only require pruning to remove diseased or injured branches. Score!

© 2010 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Playing With Fire

Steve and I have had our fair share of problems with weeds in our yard since we moved into our home last April.  Our neighbors were not too pleased with our brand of yard maintenance, and weren’t shy about letting us know (in an anonymous letter).  And while we tried to convince ourselves that it really wasn’t that bad, we did find some pretty hideous weeds

Last year, we finished the task of clearing the major weeds from the yard, and swore we would never let it get like that again.  The idea was we would nip the weeds in the bud, so to speak, and with some frequent low level maintenance, they would never get out of control.  With the recent rains, that hasn’t been too easy.  Our busy schedules limit the time we can spend in the yard, and there haven’t been any weekends recently that weren’t too wet, cold, and yucky to go out and work in the yard.  As a result, the weeds have grown like, well, weeds.  So we find ourselves right back where we started.

Enter the Weed Dragon weed torch. 

The best way to describe it is a mini-flamethrower.  Powered by a standard gas grill-type propane tank, it subjects the weeds to super-high temperatures, bursting the cell walls and killing the weed.  The Weed Dragon consists of the aforementioned propane tank, a handy dolly to transport the tank, and the hose and torch itself.  We also chose to purchase an optional trigger valve. 

The standard weed torch emits a constant flame which can only be controlled by adjusting the flow of propane into the torch.  With the trigger valve, you do still always have a small pilot flame in the torch, but it won’t be shooting out the big flames until you pull the trigger.  We thought this would give us more control and make using the torch safer overall. 

There is one additional essential piece of equipment:

In addition to having the fire extinguisher nearby, we decided that weed torching would always be a two person job, one manning the torch and one with a garden hose to wet down any dry looking areas before torching them and to spritz out anything that did catch fire or smolder after being torched.

Since Sunday was nice and sunny, we were finally able to take the Weed Dragon for a spin.  First, Steve tested it to make sure there were no propane leaks by pouring soapy water over all the connections and watching for bubbles for a few minutes.  When he was satisfied there were no bubbles, he rinsed it off and we lit it up. 

It didn’t take long for us to recognize that just a few seconds of heat from the torch was enough to kill most weeds.  When they wilted and turned bright green, like vegetables do when you cook them, we knew they were toast.  Our test area was a rock-covered area in the back yard.  This is what it looked like when we were done, and then a few hours later after the dead weeds became crispy. 

Notice all the still healthy weeds in the background along the fence.  We didn’t have a chance to get to those, but we did cover a lot of area in the front yard. 

The process was certainly a lot more fun than pulling each weed out by hand.  So far, it also appears preferable to Round Up.  You get more instant gratification because the weed wilts right before your eyes instead of a few days later.  It’s also nice to know we aren’t spritzing all kinds of chemicals into the soil.  Hopefully we will continue to be pleased with it as we get to use it on more areas of the yard. 

General Sherman would be proud.

© 2010 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Weekend Update

This weekend felt extremely busy, but looking back it does not seem like we did all that much.

Saturday we finally got out and tested the sprinkler system.  The prior owner had mapped it out for us, but strangely lost the map prior to moving out.  So we’ve been watering by hand since we move in back in April, which not surprisingly has been a bit sporadic and some of our plants are starting to show it.  Saturday morning, Steve went on to Google maps and printed a satelite photo of the house.  We started with zone one on our sprinkler box and started filling in the map.  The box has the capability to handle 18 zones, 8 through 18 of which currently do absolutely nothing as far as we can tell.  Also, none of them control the backyard, which clearly has a drip system throughout.  We figured out later that there is a hose that connects to the drip system and apparently the prior owner just hooked it up manually to the spigot on the side of the house whenever she did that watering.  In any event, the drip hoses have seen better days.  There are multiple splits in the main line and almost nothing comes out the actual drip points, so it’s going to need some overhauling. 

Saturday afternoon, we went shopping for a birthday present for our now 5-year-old friend, Abby.  As much as I loved Toys ‘r’ Us when I was a kid, I really dislike it now.  I never imagined it would be so hard to shop for a 5-year-old!  We picked out something we hoped she would like and moved on to our next errands: JC Penney to check out window treatments and Home Depot for some yard stuff. 

Penney’s was kind of a disappointment.  We have tall ceilings in our family room, so we needed some lengthy curtains, and it seemed they mostly only had standard 84 inch panels, which was too short.  But still, we got an idea of what they had, and were able to order some online later that evening.  I’ve had a backache for the past few days and I needed to go home and lay down, so we skipped HD. 

Sunday we spent an awful lot of time doing just general chores, which had been put off all week long (we should know better).  Then, of course, the birthday party, and finally home to relax.  Sort of.  I did not feel like watching my sixth auto race of the weekend, so I pulled out our leftover paint and slapped a coat on the upstairs bathroom while Steve watched Indy car from Sears Point Raceway.  Probably not the best thing for my back, but really there is only so much racing I can take. 

And that’s about it.  I’m certain there will be much more to come on the sprinkler system, as that needs a lot of work.  And I’ve been taking pictures of the bathroom as I go, so I’ll be posting those as soon as I can download them from my camera and re-size them for posting.  Because I know the three of you reading this are on the edge of your seat just waiting to see our upstairs bathroom.

© 2009 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

This Is Why Our Neighbors Hate Us

Since being scolded by our anonymous neighbor about the disheveled state of our yard, we tried to get outside more and take care of business. And things were looking better — although I still didn’t think it was that bad to begin with. That is, until Steve approached me, beaming with pride, after pulling this gem out of the ground:


Yes, that is a weed as tall as he is. 6 ft. 1 in. That’s pretty bad. Actually, that’s really, really bad. In our defense, it was in an area of the yard that is hidden by trees and shrubbery and not really visible, but still . . .

© 2009 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Nectarine Nabbers!

As I mentioned in my last post, I intended to go out and pick a ridiculous amount of nectarines from our productive tree to share with my parents and Steve’s parents this weekend.  That tree was full of nectarines just waiting to be picked and gobbled up.  I grabbed a bowl and walked out to collect some of that sweet summer fruit.  My jaw dropped when I reached the tree because it was EMPTY!  Not two days before I had surveyed the crop and there were more fruits in that tree than I could count.  This was all that was left when I went out to harvest:


It’s difficult to tell because they blend in with the rocks, but in addition to the slightly gnawed fruit there are multiple pits lying on the ground beneath the tree.  So no nectarines for us this year.  Next year, netting will be required.

© 2009 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Growing Pains

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about our garden. Unfortunately, it is because there is not much good to report.

Our tomatoes look puny. In the past when I’ve planted tomatoes, they grow out of control even if you ignore them! Ours are still small, with thin leaves. The tomatoes are small too. All three plants have fruit on them. The Brandywine (in the topsy turvy) has a whopping three whole tomatoes on it, amazing considering the amount of flowers it had. The largest of the three is starting to turn color, and it is barely the size of a cherry tomato you’d find in the supermarket. There are a good number of tomatoes on the Burbank slicing plant, but they are also small. The largest is also starting to ripen, and it is about the size of an apricot. The orange cherry tomato also has many fruits on it, none ripening yet, and non with a diameter larger than a nickel.

The cucumber is worse off. I was so excited to see little baby cucumbers on it, but each one shriveled up. I did some research and learned this is because they aren’t really baby cucumbers yet, it’s the female flower of the cucumber plant. They have to be pollenated by a male flower in order to grow into cucumbers. Armed with this information, I watched the plant intending to pollenate any new flowers with a small paintbrush. Every time a female flower bloomed, though, there wasn’t a single male flower in sight to pollenate it with, so they continued to shrivel. I doubt we will get a single cucumber off that plant.

The strawberry plants look fine, but we haven’t seen any new berries since the critters ate the first batch that ripened.


The only thing that seems to be doing well is the existing nectarine tree. The fruit is ripening, and I’m sure there are some just waiting to be picked. Maybe there will be enough nice ripe nectarines that we can pick a bunch and share with our parents this weekend.

© 2009 The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Backyard Bounty

It looks like the backyard may yield a fair amount of fruits and veggies for our eating pleasure this year, and we haven’t even done much to it in terms of amending the soil, new planting, etc.

There were several fruit trees here when we moved in.  We’ve got three trees that appear to be citrus of some sort, one of them with fruit on it.  It looks like lemons, but it’s hard to tell until they either turn yellow or don’t.


There’s also a nectarine, which is one of my favorites.  It looks like it’s got a problem with some curly leave disease, so we’ll have to take care of that, but it’s still got fruit on it that I can’t wait to eat.

nectarinemacro2 nectarinemacro1

There is a persimmon as well.  Did you know that persimmons were known in ancient Greece as “fruit of the gods”?

persimonmacro2 persimonmacro1

Then there is the mystery bush.  It’s got tiny berries on it that look dark purple or black when ripened.  They may or may not be edible, but we are staying away from it for the time being.

Of course, we planted a few things ourselves.  Three tomato plants, a cucumber, and some strawberries, to be exact.  The strawberries may be done.  We previously posted pictures of the small berries, but they’ve since been eaten.  One of the tomato plants has some fruit on it, as does the cucumber.

cucumbermacro1 tomatomacro1

2009 © The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Mulch it Over

It’s been a few weeks since we put our two tomato seedlings and cucumber in the ground, and they seem to be doing pretty well. 


I’ve noticed a few weeds in the bed, though, and I think it’s time to add a little mulch to the top of the soil.  Here’s the after picture.


Although I turned in some rich potting soil when I planted these babies, it seems to have blended in with the hard-as-rock dirt indigenous to our backyard.  The mulch certainly makes the top look a bit healthier and uniform.  Hopefully it will help the soil to retain moisture longer, and maybe even keep the weeds at bay a little bit by blocking the sunlight. 

While I’m at it, I always take a look at the topsy turvy.  Still no actual fruit on it, just the blooms, but I wouldn’t have expected anything just yet anyway.

topsyturvy8 topsyturvy7

The strawberry pot looks good as well, but alas, some critter has eaten the fruit off of it.  I did get to taste one first. 


2009 © The Beehive All Rights Reserved

Our Productive Weekend or House Tour Part 1: The Family Room

I’m totally amazed by the amount we got done around the house this weekend.  First, Steve made some amazing progress with the weeds in the back yard.  I didn’t take any before and after pictures because I didn’t expect him to be outside too long, or to make too much of a dent in our forest of weeds.  Boy was I wrong!  He cleared a huge area along the back fence and around the patio, and the yard is actually starting to look, well, pretty.  I also did a fair amount of weeding myself, and got started with a little painting project. 

This is our family room.  It sits just off the kitchen, and because we’re getting started with its make-over, it will be the first room on our house tour (although logically a bit out of order).  We’re tackling the family room first because: (1) the family room and the kitchen are probably the two most used rooms in the house, so we want them to be comfortable places that we really enjoy being in; and (2) it’s pink. Really, really pink. And the seller left us some fabulous curtains.

beforefamilyroom1 beforefamilyroom2 beforefamilyroom3

We’ve got a whole plan for the family room here.  This weekend, I started by painting the ceiling.  Of course this involved a bit of prep work first.  I removed all of the curtains and hardware, removed and/or taped off the light fixtures, and laid out drop clothes before slathering a coat of paint on the ceiling. 

afterfamilyroom2 Afterfamilyroom1

Just taking down the curtains made a huge difference and really lightened things up.  I started with just the ceiling because we’re taking baby steps on the painting; neither one of us wants to spend a whole weekend painting, so we’re doing it one wall at a time. 

2009 © The Beehive All Rights Reserved

The Hive

This is our house.



It’s a spacious two-story house with a good sized yard.  We’ll be taking you through room-by-room as we get each room camera ready.  We’ll also have a page for each room documenting our progress (and hopefully keeping us honest so we don’t slack off on the work we want to do). 

2009 © The Beehive All Rights Reserved